I know that I have posted in the past about our big dogs. My husband and I have always loved big dogs. Our first one that we got together was a big Rottweiler we named Brutus. He was our farm dog and loved his pen in our barn right next to all the cows and calves. We had him for 10 years when he got cancer and got so sick we had to put him down. I cried for days.
Then we got a Bullmastiff.
We named her Missy and she was a hoot. She was our first house dog and she was a dream.
House breaking her was a breeze and she stayed mainly in our sunroom. Once in a while she liked peeking into the living room but she just wasn't interested in being anywhere but HER sunroom.
Then we got Anna. She was full bloodied English Mastiff and she was the most gentle loving dog I have ever had. We loved her so much.
Unfortunately, she was plagued with many health issues. Even though we did everything we could for her including taking her out to potty with a beach towel under her because of a torn meniscus muscle, she developed congestive heart failure. She was only 7 years old. I am still crying.
And then my husband and I both agreed we could not go through this again with a pet. Plus the fact that we are too old to handle large dogs. So our resolve was to not have any more pets.
Enter Mooey!
And as the story goes, we are smitten with the kitten. We had no intentions of ever having a house cat. We have many barn cats that we feed every day, but they are not friendly and we have never been able to get very close to them.
Then one day, I was in the former milking barn that we now use for storage and I was looking for something when I looked down and saw a dead newborn kitten. I could not leave it there for other critters to abuse so I picked it up to bury it. It was so cold and its tongue was hanging out of its mouth and I was certain it was gone. As I moved out into the sunshine, the little body started to move! OMG! It was alive, with the umbilical cord still attached. I freaked out because there was no way to know which one of the feral cats may have had her and she probably left her behind for a reason and would not take her back. So....I became Mother Cat. I hurried to my daughter in law's house because I knew she would have all the things to nurse a tiny cat. She did indeed. She gave me the bottle, advice on how to care for a kitten this small, (she was only 2 to 3 days old) and sent me home with best wishes. Later, she told me she didn't think it would live, but it had a will and I wanted her to so much. Well, long story short, she is two months old now and she is hilarious! We love watching her grow and play. I didn't know how my hubby would feel about this because he is not a cat person, but Mooey stole his heart. He loves her and is always worrying about her welfare. BTW, everyone wants to know how we came up with the name Mooey. I found her in the milking barn, where the Moo cows used to be. Thus, she is a Moo Kitty, or Mooey.
I hope you enjoyed my journey down memory lane of pets and I hope you have the pet of your dreams too. Even if it is somewhere between great big and tiny small. And remember...
Keep on Quiltin'!
Mooey is so sweet. 🌟🎄